Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park : Nashville, TN

Production Design: Henry Beach, Conner Ostrowski, Max Lenox, Jeff Lavallee (44 Designs)

Lighting Programming: Max Lenox

Video Programming & Operation: Henry Beach and Mason East

Lighting Direction: Conner Ostrowski and Max Lenox

Lighting Crew Chief: Todd Latia

Lighting Technicians: Chibby Ogbodo and Adrien Hill

Lighting & Video Provider: 44 Designs

Laser Provider: Elevated Audio Productions


Photos by Nick L (IG: @nicklphoto)


Photos by Aubrey Dennis


Renders by Henry Beach and Conner Ostrowski using Capture Visualization, GrandMA2, and Pangolin Beyond.

Previs Equipment and Suite Provided by 44 Production Designs